
Showing posts from April, 2022

4. My favorite candy

Today I'm going to tell you about one of my favorite childhood candies. As I told you in my first post, my mom is from the south of Chile, more specifically from Cauquenes in the Maule region. On vacations, we usually travel there and when we stay for a long time we have to go to the farmer's market to buy supplies. And there is no shortage of people selling "cachitos de miel". It is a cone-shaped candy made of honey and has a small wooden stick to hold it. They are very, very easy to make. You only need honey, butter paper, wooden sticks and a base with holes to put the paper cones. The times I have made them at home with my mom, we used a wooden test tube holder that I was asked for at school and never used. haha Or you can also use glasses and put several in them. Pour the honey into a pot and heat it for a few minutes to caramelize it. In the meantime, form small cones by rolling squares of butter paper and put them in the base with holes. Carefully fill each cone

3. My favourite piece of technology

 Hi everyone!! Among the wide variety of technological objects that exist today, my favorite piece of technology is my smartphone, which has access to the internet. It is my favorite because it has become an indispensable piece in my everyday life. The main reason why I always have it with me is to communicate with my family in case of an emergency but I also use it for other things like searching for things on the internet, checking my social networks, watching videos and listening to music with earphones while riding public transportation.  I get really nervous if I go out and don't have it with me. It's become one more thing to worry about when I go out and it's a little stressful. I recommend its use but in moderation. It's a tool that helps us to communicate and be informed of the world around us but it's not good to use a smartphone all day long.

2. Why did I choose my major

 Well, I've never had a dream job. When I was little and an adult asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I never had a clear idea. I used to answer "I don't know" or repeat what the other kids said. As I grew up different professions crossed my mind. At one time I liked to draw and design clothes. In general I am a perfectionist and I was good at handicrafts. When it came time to decide what to study, I still didn't know. My college application was a potpourri of careers: engineering, in the health area (one of them was dentistry) and baccalaureate. I chose the latter to have one more year to think about what to study and not to lose the habit of studying. Finally, today I study dentistry at the University of Chile. I think my reasons for choosing dentistry are not very logical. 🤪 I really liked going to the dentist, maybe because they didn't take me very often and it was new for me. When I entered high school, I learned that besides the i

1. Who am I?

Hi everyone, my name is Josefa Alvarez, I'm 19 years old. I was born in Santiago, Chile, on July 2, 2002. I live with my parents and I'm an only child - but I have 2 siblings on my dad's side who are much older than me. My mum is from the south, Cauquenes, and my dad is from Santiago. On holidays we usually go to the camp where my grandparents live. Since I was a child, my personality has always been quiet, shy and introverted, but when I feel confident, I'm very giggly and more extroverted than I'm used to. That's why I have few friends, but I adore them, they are the best. I carried out my primary studies in a school called "Colegio Nazaret de la Florida" in the commune of La Florida and my secondary studies in a high school called "Liceo Carmela Carvajal" in the commune of Providencia (where I met my current friends). I'm currently studying dentistry at the University of Chile. To be honest, when I graduated, I had no idea what to stud