2. Why did I choose my major

 Well, I've never had a dream job. When I was little and an adult asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I never had a clear idea. I used to answer "I don't know" or repeat what the other kids said. As I grew up different professions crossed my mind. At one time I liked to draw and design clothes. In general I am a perfectionist and I was good at handicrafts.

When it came time to decide what to study, I still didn't know. My college application was a potpourri of careers: engineering, in the health area (one of them was dentistry) and baccalaureate. I chose the latter to have one more year to think about what to study and not to lose the habit of studying.

Finally, today I study dentistry at the University of Chile.

I think my reasons for choosing dentistry are not very logical. 🤪

I really liked going to the dentist, maybe because they didn't take me very often and it was new for me. When I entered high school, I learned that besides the infirmary, there was also a dental surgery. I had a very good experience when I went there. It was fun to listen to the dentist's conversations with her assistant while I was being attended to. And the funniest part of the whole process was when I had to return to the classroom or go out for recess with half of my mouth and tongue numb. There was one occasion when half of the tip of my nose fell numb and it was a little uncomfortable to breathe. 🤣 Shortly before the pandemic began, I had another approach to dentistry when I started orthodontic treatment. It was at this moment that I said to myself, "Ok, it looks interesting. I'm a perfectionist and good with handicrafts why not try it?"

But Oh! Surprise!! That's not all dentistry is about. The dentist's role is not just to treat caries, it's to prevent them. And there are many different specialties.

So far my experience at the university has been good, but the interaction with others is a bit difficult because of the online modality. The people I have conversed with are friendly and very funny.

A picture of the faculty of dentistry


  1. Haha, it's crazy that you've had so many options and you finally got to dentistry, very good story!

  2. I think your reasons are very logical, I find them quite interesting.


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