4. My favorite candy

Today I'm going to tell you about one of my favorite childhood candies.

As I told you in my first post, my mom is from the south of Chile, more specifically from Cauquenes in the Maule region.

On vacations, we usually travel there and when we stay for a long time we have to go to the farmer's market to buy supplies. And there is no shortage of people selling "cachitos de miel". It is a cone-shaped candy made of honey and has a small wooden stick to hold it.

They are very, very easy to make.

You only need honey, butter paper, wooden sticks and a base with holes to put the paper cones. The times I have made them at home with my mom, we used a wooden test tube holder that I was asked for at school and never used. haha Or you can also use glasses and put several in them.

Pour the honey into a pot and heat it for a few minutes to caramelize it. In the meantime, form small cones by rolling squares of butter paper and put them in the base with holes.

Carefully fill each cone with honey and put a wooden stick in each one. Finally, put them in the refrigerator for a few hours and just ready to eat.

They're very delicious and I love how it melts little by little in the mouth. When I was little I was not able to finish one by myself and I would give it to my dad.

The best is to eat them slowly and enjoy them. It may just be honey, but it's still sugar and it's not good to eat too much and too fast.

Delicious cachitos de miel 😚😋


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